Realize Fitness Recipe eBook - Xmas Edition COMING SOON!

Realize Fitness Recipe eBook - Xmas Edition COMING SOON!

Sale Price:£4.99 Original Price:£9.99

Xmas day is a day to be enjoyed and undoubtedly not to worry about your calorie count (unless you have a damn good reason). We do, however, know that in today's day and age most of you will have a warm-up dinner or two prior to the big day.

We have therefore put together a calorie friendly recipe book for all your Xmas favourites. All trimmed, tucked, leaned out and sporting fewer calories than their traditional counterparts.

Also a few extras in there for you.

We’re hoping you can put these recipes to use in your warm-ups and who knows, you may even prefer the trimmed versions and decide to use them in the main event.

Seasons Greetings
